We want Dublin Pride to be as accessible and inclusive an event as possible and we have a number of initiatives in place to help. We understand that everyone’s needs are unique so please contact us if there is something we can do to make Pride more inclusive for you or for someone you care about.
If you or someone you know needs any additional accessibility supports, please let us know:
The March & Parade
Option 1 – Viewing Areas
If you’d like to watch the parade, we have two viewing areas with seating and a designated space for wheelchairs and people who need it. The first will be in on O’Connell Bridge. For those with sensory issues who may struggle with the large crowds on O’Connell Street, we will have a secondary viewing area at the As One Café at the Grant Thornton offices on City Quay. Our team will be on hand at both sites to assist you on the day.
Option 2 – Accessibility Buses
We have a number of buses and vehicles in the Parade for those who would like to take part in the Parade but may need some support. These will include a Quieter Bus for neurodivergent folk. If you’d like to reserve space on one of our buses, please fill in the registration form HERE.

Pride Village – Merrion Square
Entry to the Festival Site
Upon arrival at the festival site in Merrion Square, you can go to the entrance on Merrion Square West, opposite the National Gallery. Normal search procedures for an event of this size will still be in place. However, all security and stewards are aware that items such as weighted blankets or other accessibility aids don’t count towards the recommended baggage limits.
NeuroPride Zone
We are extremely grateful to our friends in NeuroPride for helping us create a dedicated space inside the park for neurodivergent folk. This area is located in the South West corner of the park and will be clearly signposted. Volunteers from both NeuroPride and Dublin Pride will be on hand throughout the day.
Accessible Toilets
In addition to standard wheelchair-accessible portable toilets that will be located in a number of areas across the festival area and clearly signposted, the team from Mobiloo will be on hand. Mobiloo is a mobile-accessible toilet with an adult-sized changing bench, hoist, and a friendly attendant.
ISL (Irish Sign Language)
Our ISL team will join us on the main stage for all performances and speeches.
Our accessibility supports are part of our Pride In Inclusion programme that is supported by the Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth.
Accessibility support sponsored by Yahoo!